GRID Alternatives is a non-profit residential solar installer. GRID Alternatives provides job seekers in CA, CO, and the Mid-Atlantic region (DC, DE, VA, MD) with hands-on, real-world solar installation experience in a true production setting, that helps them gain valuable experience in solar installation and other aspects of the solar field, including solar design and outreach.
As the solar industry grows, there’s an ever present need to find skilled individuals to fill various roles within the solar workforce. The GRID Alternatives installation space is a proven ground for gaining experience valuable for employment with solar companies. Based on demand from companies for qualified GRID trainees, we’ve created this Resume Bank as a tool to help better connect employers to job candidates. We have a large base of previous trainees and a steady influx of new job seekers.
Please fill out this form if you’re interested in accessing the GRID Alternatives resume bank, home to resumes of job seekers with real-world solar experience.
Access and Data Requirements:
There are no monetary fees for accessing the Resume Bank. To support us in evaluating the effectiveness of the Resume Bank as a tool for connecting employers to trained job candidates, GRID Alternatives requires that participating companies provide us with the following data:
• Names, job titles, and start dates of individuals who were found on the resume bank and hired.
NOTE: Each resume bank user has agreed to terms to have this information sent to GRID from their employers.
• Feedback on experience with GRID Alternatives Resume Bank
The principal company contact provided in the application will receive inquiries for the information above quarterly and will be expected to reply within 3-weeks time. Lack of response may result in deactivation of Resume Bank access. GRID reserves the right to change terms of access at any time.
As we develop more opportunities for employers to connect with job seekers and to support workforce initiatives, what volunteer opportunities might your employees be interested in? Please check all that apply: