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12 Characters
1 Uppercase letter
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Contact Info
First Name
Last Name
Organization Name
Email Address
Project Info
Project Address
Project City
Project State
Please enter a Two-Letter Abbreviation (Example: CA, NY, etc).
Project Zip Code
Offtaker Name
Key Project Parameters
Project Size (kW DC)
Year 1 Estimated Production (kWh)
Project First Year Production Based On
Please select...
Aurora Report
Project Type (choose all that are relevant)
Ground Mount
Offtaker Type
Please select...
Health Clinic
Multifamily Affordable Housing
Tribal Project
Community Solar
Type of Systems (choose all that are relevant)
Solar PV
Battery Storage
EV Charging Infrastructure
Budget Information
Type of Pricing Request (choose all that are relevant)
Bridge Loan
Permanent Debt
Technical Assistance
EPC Cost ($/W DC)
Developer Fee ($/W DC)
Additional Interconnection Costs ($/W DC)
Other ($/W DC)
Total $/W DC
Total ($)
Incentive Information
Enter additional funds available from the client that can be applied to this project (ie cash on hand, reserve funds, etc)
List any incentive programs that will be applied to this project Rebates, Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), Production Based Incentives (PBIs), etc
Anticipated Incentive Amount
Incentive Notes (Anything else we should know about the incentive program)
Gap Cost
Who is monetizing the ITC?
Please select...
Not Finalized
Third Party
Is this project receiving a rebate from the California Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH)?
Please select...
Tenant DC Rating (kW) (IF YES to SOMAH)
Common Space DC Rating (kW) (IF YES to SOMAH)
ETB Tenant Annual Savings (IF YES to SOMAH)
ETB Common space Annual Savings (IF YES to SOMAH)
Is Solar Incentive secured?
Please select...
Further Details
Avoided cost of power ($/kWh)
Avoided cost of power based on (ie Energytool base, other)
Please provide utility bill information via:
1) UtilityAPI automatically downloads bill and usage data from electric utilities. Follow this link and it will prompt you to a page that will ask for a username/password to the utility account to share data with GRID Alternatives.
2) Upload a Data Consent Form or Utility Bill
Please upload a copy of the production report
Is this pricing request part of an RFP? (Yes/No)
Please select...
Deadline for pricing request?
Utility - Assumed Annual Escalator (in percentage %)
Any other relevant information (ideal interest rate and term)
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